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Powers of Attorney
Guardianship Orders
Intervention Orders


We at Moore & Partners can give specialist advice to elderly clients in connection with their personal affairs, and in particular Powers of Attorney and Court Protection matters.


Granting a suitable Power of Attorney can mean that your family would avoid the horrendous difficulties and expense which can arise when our loved ones are no longer capable of dealing with their own affairs. In such circumstances, if no Power of Attorney is in place, the financial and business affairs of the family member as well as decisions relating to their personal welfare can be impossible to manage.


We at Moore & Partners understand how stressful dealing with such matters can be, not just for family member concerned but for the whole family and this is why we are here to offer you the right advice.


We can also help if a member of your family is unable to grant a Power of Attorney and a Guardianship Order or an Intervention Order is required.


A Guardianship Order is a Court Appointment which authorises a person to take action or make decisions on behalf of an adult with incapacity, and can be in relation to property and financial matters, personal welfare or a combination of these.


An Intervention Order is based on the principle of minimum necessary intervention. These orders are made by the Sheriff Court and relate to specific matters in the welfare or financial field that do not require the appointment of a guardian.


We at Moore & Partners can help you through this complex area of the law and provide you with expert advice in this field.

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